What Is The Escape Velocity of the Moon?

What Is The Escape Velocity of the Moon? 2

Escape velocity is the minimum speed required for a free, non-propelled item to escape from the gravitational pull of the main body and reach its goal. So to get the Moon, we need an escape velocity of 2.38 km/s …

These are escape velocities for other planets in our Solar system:

  • Mercury: 4.3 km/s
  • Venus: 10.3 km/s
  • Earth: 11.2 km/s
  • Moon: 2.4 km/s
  • Mars: 5.0 km/s
  • Jupiter: 59.6 km/s
  • Saturn: 35.6 km/s
  • Uranus: 21.3 km/s
  • Neptune: 23.8 km/s

So we actually see that the required speed to leave the Moon is actually very low.

But how do we know this, or how did we calculate this?

The escape velocity formula is unaffected by the escaping object’s attributes. The only thing that matters is the heavenly body’s mass and radius:


vₑ = √(2GM/R)

M denotes the planet’s mass, 

R is its radius, and

G it’s gravitational constant. 

It equals G = 6.674 10-11 Nm2/kg2.

Escape Velocity Calculator

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What is second cosmic velocity?

The escape velocity formula, commonly referred to as the second cosmic velocity, is directly derived from the law of conservation of energy. The vehicle has some potential energy PE and kinetic energy KE at the launch time. As a result, the power at launch LE can be given as follows:

PE + KE = -GMm/R + ½mv²

Where m is the initial object's mass and v is the escape velocity

When the item leaves, it is so far away from the planet that its potential energy equals zero. It can also move at almost no speed; hence its kinetic energy is also zero. As a result, the total final power is equal to:

PE + KE = 0 + 0 = 0

Because the total energy must be preserved, the starting power must also be zero. When we simplify the first equation, we get:

0 = -GMm/R + ½mv²

v = √(2GM/R)

How to Determine Escape Velocity

Simply follow these steps to get it calculated in no time!

  1. Evaluate the planet's mass. The mass of the Earth, for example, is 5.9723 x 1024kg.
  2. Calculate the planet's radius. The radius of the Earth, for example, is 6,371 km.
  3. In the escape velocity equation, v = √(2GM/R), substitute these values.

Calculate the outcome. In the case of the Earth, the escape velocity is 11.2 km/s.

The first cosmic velocity VS cosmic velocity

What is it, and what is the relationship between the first cosmic velocity and the escape velocity?

The first cosmic velocity is the velocity required for an object to orbit a celestial body. 

For example, all satellites must have this velocity to avoid falling back to Earth's surface. It is calculated by dividing the escape velocity by the square root of 2.

While Escape velocity (or second cosmic velocity) is the minimum speed required for an object to escape the gravitational pull of a primary body and reach its destination.

The complete formula for the first cosmic velocity is as follows:

first cosmic velocity = √(MG/R)

Can a Bullet reach Escape velocity?

With a recorded velocity of 1.4 km/s, the.220 Swift cartridge is still the fastest commercial cartridge in the world. On Earth, the getaway velocity is 11.2 km/s. The quickest bullet is eight times too sluggish to leave Earth.

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